The Book of Common Prayer and the Authorised Version of the Bible are used at all main services. Normal service details and times are outlined below:
11.00 am Choral Eucharist
6.30 pm Sung Evensong, Anthem and Sermon
Last Sunday of the month
11.00 am Sung Matins, Anthem and Sermon
6.30 pm Sung Evensong, Anthem and Sermon
Weekdays (Tuesday)
Tuesday 1.05 pm Holy Communion (said)
Priest in Charge
We have an interregnum at the moment
Licenced Lay Reader
Mr Anthony Berridge
Other Clergy
We are grateful for the service of the following dedicated men who freely give us their services, and we list them below in no particular order:
The Reverend Dr Victor Barley
The Reverend Fr. Robert Webb
Reverend Michael James (Tuesdays)
Churchwardens - Mr Roger Metcalfe & Mr Jonathan D R Price
Churchwardens of Saint Ewen - Richard Hobbs
Parochial Church Council Secretary - Vacant
Treasurer - Mr Jack Howells
Organist - Mr Jonathan D R Price
Safeguarding Officer - Mr Roger Metcalfe